Tuesday, January 22, 2019

What are mineral components,What is its functions in our body?

Minerals are natural occuring substances and can be made of one element or more elements combined together in chemical compounds.

In living tissues and foods, minerals are present in varying amounts.
Elements that are present  in high concentration greater than 70 mg/kg live weight are termed as major minerals.
Micro minerals are trace minerals that are present in low concentration lesser than 70 mg/kg live weight.
physiologically they are equally important.

calcium and phosphorus: main structural components of bones and teeth,role are to give rigidity and strength.

 magnesium,fluorine,silicon: in bones and teeth also contribute to the mechanical stability of the body.

Small fractions of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus and most of the sodium, potassium and chloride in the body fluid and in the soft tissues acts as electrolytes.

Electrolytes in body fluids like blood and cerebrospinal fluid helps to:
  • maintain acid – base balance and osmotic pressure.
  • regulate permeability.
  • excitability of muscles and nerves.
  • Salts in the saliva, gastric and intestinal juices a are appropriate medium for the action of enzyme and growth of microbes.
  • Trace elements are also components of biologically important compounds as:
  1. Iron in haemoglobin
  2. Cobalt in vitamin B12
  3. Iodine in the hormone thyroxine
  • Trace elements as activators of enzymes.

mode and site of absorption of minerals:

  1. Minerals are mainly absorbed as ions.
  2. The major site for absorption:
  • Small intestine and anterior part of the large intestine
  • Large amounts of minerals in the digestive tract from digestive juices are reabsorbed together.
Mode of excretion:

  • excrete Ca and P mainly in the urine.

deficiencies of minerals on living organism:

Ingestion of diets that are deficient, imbalanced or high in minerals content induces certain changes in body. 
  1. physiological change:
    Retarded growth
  2. Decreased food utilization and productivity
  3. Disturbances in general health.
  4. excess of minerals ions in the digestive tract may lead to precipitation of inorganic mineral and decreased availability of  mineral to body.

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