Tuesday, January 29, 2019

health benefits of chickpeas (kala chana)

                         CHICKPEAS(KALA CHANA)

Chickpeas are belongs to family of leguminaceae.leguminaceae is the family of legume and legumes are known for their rich protein source and low carbs. so they are excellent source of protein for vegetarian in their vegan diet.
as they are also rich in vitamins,minerals and fibres,chickpeas provide various health benefits such as improve in digestion process,body weight balance,blood formation etc.



chickpeas have low carbohydrates content,mean fairly low calorie density.person in low calorie diet are likely to lose more weight,than those who eat a lot on high calorie food.


 Carbs are main source of blood sugar ,as chickpeas are poor in source of carbohydrates,they may help in manage your blood sugar level.


chickpeas because of rich source of protein and fibre,they may prevent your blood sugar level from rising to quickly after eating.


 Chickpeas contain vitamin K(prevent rise in blood pressure),folic acid,zinc,copper,manganese and they are all known for avoiding heart related problems and boosting heart health.


Chickpeas are low in saturated fat and has no cholesterol at all.the fibres and protein content helps lower the bad cholesterol level in blood and prevent heart disease.


Chickpeas contain iron and phosphorus content in it.chickpea may be added as supplement in your diet in case of low blood haemoglobin level.eating a handful of black sprouts in empty stomach every morning reduce the risk of low haemoglobin level in body. 

Friday, January 25, 2019

If your hair is dry frizzy and falling out then follow these methods

                            Prevent hairs from drying

                             Hair paste or mask


  1. mash banana
  2. rosemary lavender oil
  3. olive oil

take  out the pulp of banana,mash it well and add in 2 tablespoon of Rosemary Lavender Oil and Olive Oil, blend it well and apply it on your hair right from root to the tip.leave it on your hairs for 30 minutes and then rinse it.


  1. egg
  2. olive oil
  3. honey

mix 3 eggs in bowl and add 2 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of honey.apply the mixture to your hair and scalp.let the paste in your hairs for 30 minutes and then rinse it with lukewarm water.


  1. banana
  2. coconut oil
mash a banana and mix it with coconut oil and spread it on the hairs from roots to the end.leave it on for 1 hour to dry and rinse it with lukewarm water.


  1. peeled avocado
  2. egg

mash a peeled avocado with one egg and apply to hairs roots for 30 minute,then after rinse it with lukewarm water.


  1. half cup of yogurt
  2. olive oil

mix half cup of yogurt with 2 tablespoon of olive oil and the mixture to wet hairs.cover the hairs with shower cap for 1 hour and then rinse it lukewarm water.


  1. curry leaves
  2. coconut oil
boil some leaves of curry with coconut oil for 2-3 minute and leave it to rest in cool place for few hours.rubbed the mixture into hairs and scalp with fingertips and cover it with hot towel.let it in your hairs for 20 minutes before rinse with lukewarm water.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Milk: benefits of drinking milk

                             INCREDIBLE BENEFITS OF MILK:

  • WEIGHT LOSS                                            

studies show that person who drink low fat cow milk lose more weight than those who exclude it from diet.
add a glass of hot milk after dinner in your diet with a piece of fruit.


milk has properties that lower high blood pressure,diabetes and risk of heart related disease,it reduces the level of low density cholesterol.it also act as antacid.vitamin present in milk improves the eyesight.
add a glass of hot milk after dinner before bed


milk contain several protein which help to rebuild muscle.
add a glass of milk after exercise to give your body what it needs to recover.

  • HEALTHY BONES AND TEETH                 

milk is a great source of calcium,which is essential for healthy bones.milk is also great for strong teeth due to presence of calcium and phosphorus in it,and it helps in preventing tooth decay and cavities.not only children ,young need it to keep their bones healthy to prevent bone decay.


milk has several nutrient which help skin look at its best,it has lactic acid(product of lactose) which act as exfoliating substance ,and enzymes in it to help skin looks smooth. amino acid keep skin smooth,water content in milk help keep skin moisturized.

bovine milk contain a lot of antibodies, primary (IgG),antibody provide immunity against disease causing organism.

If you want to kn→ow what are the components in milk then click → https://healthandbeautyfacts1.blogspot.com/2019/01/want-to-know-whats-in-milkthen-read-it.html

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

What are mineral components,What is its functions in our body?

Minerals are natural occuring substances and can be made of one element or more elements combined together in chemical compounds.

In living tissues and foods, minerals are present in varying amounts.
Elements that are present  in high concentration greater than 70 mg/kg live weight are termed as major minerals.
Micro minerals are trace minerals that are present in low concentration lesser than 70 mg/kg live weight.
physiologically they are equally important.

calcium and phosphorus: main structural components of bones and teeth,role are to give rigidity and strength.

 magnesium,fluorine,silicon: in bones and teeth also contribute to the mechanical stability of the body.

Small fractions of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus and most of the sodium, potassium and chloride in the body fluid and in the soft tissues acts as electrolytes.

Electrolytes in body fluids like blood and cerebrospinal fluid helps to:
  • maintain acid – base balance and osmotic pressure.
  • regulate permeability.
  • excitability of muscles and nerves.
  • Salts in the saliva, gastric and intestinal juices a are appropriate medium for the action of enzyme and growth of microbes.
  • Trace elements are also components of biologically important compounds as:
  1. Iron in haemoglobin
  2. Cobalt in vitamin B12
  3. Iodine in the hormone thyroxine
  • Trace elements as activators of enzymes.

mode and site of absorption of minerals:

  1. Minerals are mainly absorbed as ions.
  2. The major site for absorption:
  • Small intestine and anterior part of the large intestine
  • Large amounts of minerals in the digestive tract from digestive juices are reabsorbed together.
Mode of excretion:

  • excrete Ca and P mainly in the urine.

deficiencies of minerals on living organism:

Ingestion of diets that are deficient, imbalanced or high in minerals content induces certain changes in body. 
  1. physiological change:
    Retarded growth
  2. Decreased food utilization and productivity
  3. Disturbances in general health.
  4. excess of minerals ions in the digestive tract may lead to precipitation of inorganic mineral and decreased availability of  mineral to body.

Friday, January 18, 2019

gene vs nutrition an ununderstandable battle

   A gene is the biological unit of heredity. Some genes act as instructions to make molecules called proteins gene is has unit of segments that contains information which contribute to certain characters of body (like height,shape,color) gene contains necessary information for living,to survive,and to reproduce.when a gene express the encoded information in gene is used to synthesis protein.

 Nutrition is nourishment or energy that is obtained from food consumed. An example of nutrition is the nutrients found in fruits and vegetables.


Genes are the units of heredity and nutrition is the source of energy.GENE ↭NUTRITION can you co-relate these two term?common terminology used when we talk about gene is heredity,heredity is the passing of traits(any characters) from parents to their offspring, through sexual reproduction, the offspring of next generation acquire the genetic information of their parents. gene work as instructor, that has some information used to make up the body's structure.
gene makes up our body configuration,it is partial correct.information inside gene can not express until it is provided by some extra source which is nutrition it maybe in the form of heat or any other form.every gene gain some nutritional source from the body during their processing stage,let us take a example,

suppose a gene is expressing in the body and that gene has a main role in muscle formation(myostatin gene),now this gene has all required information about muscle,now gene expressed and certain gene products are formed at the end, these product work mainly as map or flowchart because they do not have any nutritional source,like when we ask Cooley to drop our luggage at our residence,for work they demand money,like this for building the different body muscles(heart muscle,skeleton muscle,smooth muscle etc)they should contain some energy source.so how does this information comes into existence?have you ever think about it? Yes or NO? what is the mysterious force that working behind the gene?NUTRITION! REALLY? YES !
   you heard it right,nutrition is key force that really work hard to get this encoded information comes out into existence! let's continue with our muscle example,so gene encoded information about muscle,protein start designing→ shape of muscle,size of muscle,so from where does the protein come, cytoplasm of cell.amino acid present in the cytoplasm,amino acid is the basic unit of protein. during digestion the food we eat are digested by enzymes into simpler form,and these smaller form are absorb by our body cell.so it means if body nutrition level is deprived gene can not express itself properly and our body show dis formalities(mutation concept is not included) .gene need some extra to express itself so why to consider gene as only unit of determining body structure?

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

haemoglobin/A loose connective tissue


haemoglobin is the iron containing protein present in red blood cell of all living organism(especially in vertebrates).haemoglobin is red colored pigment which is due to heme(a component of hemoglobin structure)
haemoglobin is made up of two subunits( HEME+GLOBIN). Heme is iron containing pigment part and Globin is protein part of HEMOGLOBIN molecule.
the main function of haemoglobin is to  carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs.It also functions as a buffer in the regulation of acid base balance.
A haemoglobin is a  complex substance consisting of  protein and pigment part heme and a protein, globin.The protein portion of each of these chains is called globulin. The globin parts has two chains parts a and b globin chains and they are very similar in structure. The globulin is a conjugated protein and heme contains iron in ferrous state.Haemoglobin contains four polypeptide chains namely two alpha and two beta chains. Each of the four chains unites with a heme group resulting in a haemoglobin molecule. 


Haemoglobin (Hb) is synthesized by many series of steps.
 globulin protein parts are synthesized by ribosomes(present in cell cytoplasmor a cell organelle) and the heme part is synthesized in the mitochondria of cell.


formation of Hb(inside RBC) continues in the cell throughout its early development from the erythroblast,pro-erythroblast to the reticulocyte in the stem cell(continue dividing cell).the site of production of RBC is vary from stage to stage of life like in embryo stage bone marrow,liver is the main site of haemoglobin synthesis then after birth long bones took their duty. in reticulocyte stage, the nucleus is lost in mammalian red blood cells(, but not in birds and many other species. the main purpose of nucleus disintegration is too increase the amount of oxygen carry capacity of RBC, that is why RBC called as enucleated cell(loss of nucleus during it's development)


The amount of Hb in the blood is influenced by: 
  1. Age:Haemoglobin content in young one is high,because of requirement of high nutrition and oxygen to actively dividing cell of body to maintain growth and production, then old one.
  2.   muscular activity: increase in muscle tension increase oxygen and nutrition uptake, for the good amount of supply, body form high amount of RBC .
  3.  season: season affect RBC synthesis in term of heat exchange,in cold weather body loose their heat more than hot weather.
  4. altitude: in high altitude oxygen level is low,to maintain body oxygen level RBC content is increased by multiple fold.
  5. trauma: any trauma or injury to body lead to loss of blood from body and RBC content of body decline.
  6. Erythropoietin Hormone: stimulate RBC production by stimulating stem cell of body(bone marow cell)

Types of  hemoglobin :
Based on physiology, the hemoglobins are 2 type, adult hemoglobin and fetal hemoglobin.the Hb are also classified as HbA, HbB, HbC and HbF. Human beings show three types of Hb, HbA (98%), HbA2 (2%) in the adult and HbF in fetus and new born. HbF has higher affinity for O2. In human and animal fetal hemoglobin (HbF) is replaced by the adult types with in 4 to 8 weeks after birth. 
 HbS is responsible for sickle-cell anaemia in some race. HbC and HbE cause failure of synthesis of alpha or beta chains thus results in alpha or beta thalassemia.


  • Oxyhemoglobin:
hemoglobin has an important relationship with oxygen. Oxygen forms reversible combination with hemoglobin called oxy-Hb, when RBC passing through lungs, since there are four ferrous atoms in the hemoglobin molecule,and four molecules of oxygen are transported by a molecule of hemoglobin.As blood is transported through the systemic circulation hemoglobin loses its oxygen to the tissues.The oxygen carrying capacity of the hemoglobin is dependent on the pigment it contains which in turn depends on the iron content for oxygen combining capacity.

  • Myoglobin:

It is a true hemoglobin and functions to store oxygen in the muscle. It contains only one heme and a polypeptide chain. It contains only one iron atom and can therefore store only one molecule of O2.

  • Carboxyhemoglobin
Hb has 200 times more affinity for carbon monoxide than oxygen.

  • Methemoglobin 
It is formed by the oxidation of ferrous iron to ferric iron. During the circulation of blood methemoglobin is formed by the oxidation of ferrous iron to ferric iron. Ferrihemoglobin cannot combine with oxygen, hence is useless as a respiratory pigment in the blood. It produces dark colored blood.

Monday, January 14, 2019

protein a major bio molecule for body

                                    PROTEIN IS ESSENTIAL💫

protein is essential  bio molecule present in body.Protein is considered as major body building molecule of life.Protein is made up of different amino acid that are attached to one another by peptide linkage in form of long chain. protein is most abundant kind of bio molecule,main structural and functional molecule in living organism. protein can be found in all cells of body especially muscle cells.Hair and Nails are mostly made up of protein.
Body use protein as a source to build up cells or tissues and repairs in case of any injury to cell.


  1.  enzymes involved in the biochemical reactions in the body are protein in nature.
  2. Many hormones are proteins in nature. 
  3. With DNA molecules, where it controls the gene transcription and translation.
  4. Proteins are involved in the transport processes. Example: Hemoglobin in RBC involved in the transport of oxygen. 
  5. Immunological effects :Proteins have protective role in the body. example: Immunoglobulins are proteins that protect living organism against bacterial and viral infections.
  6. Structural proteins like collagen and elastin provide structural strength and elasticity to organs.
  7. Some proteins are used as nutrients example: casein of milk are used as nutrients.
  8. Proteins are involved in the maintenance of osmotic pressure of plasma.
  9. Some proteins like actin and myosin are involved in the contraction of skeletal muscles.
protein can be classified on basis of solubility and physical properties:

  • simple protein:simple protein on hydrolysis form amino aciod as end product.
they are still divided into:

  • AlbuminsThese proteins are soluble in water coagulated by heat

  1. Globulins: These proteins are insoluble in pure water, but soluble in dilute salt solutions. .

  • conjugated protein:these are simple protein which attaches with non protein part example prosthetic group
  • NUCLEOPROTEIN: simple protein in association with DNA and RNA.example: chromosome
  • GLYCOPROTEIN: simple protein in association with glucose.example: mucin
  • LIPOPROTEIN: simple protein in association with lipids.example: cholestrol
  • PHOSPHOPROTEIN: simple protein in association with phosphorus.example: caesin

  • derived protein:these are the protein formed from simple and conjugated protein by some external energy.

protein on basis of shape:

  • fibrous protein: protein in which polypeptide chain coiled or extended to form linear fiber. fibrous protein mechanical strength to body.example: collagen, keratin etc
  • globular protein: protein in which polypeptide chain coiled itself in 3-dimensional structural.example :enzymes


  • Egg: egg among most nutritious food well known,having good proportion of vitamin, minerals and certain antioxidant.
whole egg part are high in protein ,but egg white are almost pure protein.
  • Almonds:
    almonds has high fibre content, vitamin E.
  • Oats:
    oats are healthiest grain, they loaded with high fibre,vitamin B1 and several other nutrient.
  • Milk
    : milk is highly nutritious and excellent source of high quality protein.milk include almost all nutrient needed by human body.
  • Peas:
    high in fibre and low in fat. they are rich source of vegetable protein.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

want a good glowing skin?


Men and Women both desire ab perfect glowing skin which makes them attractive and beautiful in every day life,so it is very important to have a good skin.

our skin cell exfoliate like other body cell but they are more susceptible due to direct contact with environment.our skin cell is more fragile and exposing to polluted environment is always a huge risk to take.


Smoking habits,drinking to much alcohol, lack of nutritional diet, to much U.V sun rays, pollution, lifestyle changes, lack of exercise etc all are lead to skin problems. so it is your choice to run away from them or slow down.
you can surely slow down the loss of glow from your skin by applying listed down tips:



  • Small pieces of cucumber

  1. rub it in your face slowly in circular manner or generate the thick paste of cucumber.
  2. apply it in your face for 15-20 minute and let dry.
  3. wash your face with mild warm water.
  4. Apply this remedy 1-2 time in a week.


  1.  avoid using too hot or cold water in face for rinsing product.



  • Honey

  1. apply honey paste evenly on your face under eyes as well but avoid touching with eyes.
  2. massage it for 5-10 minute slowly without providing excess pressure.
  3. wash honey paste after 30-40 minute with warm water.


  1. avoid too hot or cold water for rinsing.



  • coconut or coconut oil

  1. lightly warm up coconut oil and evenly applied it in face.
  2. massage it for few minute in circular way and let it in face or overnight.


  1. do not put hot oil in face otherwise it will lead to small rashes in in face.
  2. avoid using excess of coconut oil.



  • Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera gel


  1. apply aloevera gel gently in your face and under eyes.
  2. make a paste of aloevera gel with 1 teaspoon of honey.mix it proper and apply in circular motion in face.
  3. leave it for 30 minute in face.
  4. rinse it with lukewarm water.


  1. avoid gel to come in contact with eyes during applying.
  2. avoid too hot and cold water for rinse up the paste



  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric power
  • milk


  1. mix turmeric powder with equal amount of milk in a bowel and form a thick paste.
  2. apply this paste in your face.and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. rinse it with lukewarm water.


  1. don't add more amount of turmeric powder in the paste than required.
  2. don't add(Oils) coconut or almond oil in the paste.
  3. avoid too hot water in rinsing

  • 3 teaspoons of milk cream
  • 1 teaspoon of honey

  1. apply milk cream directly on your face.
  • mix 3 teaspoon milk cream with 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • apply paste on face and massage in face with fingers in circular motion.
  • rinse face with lukewarm water.


  1. don't add honey in large amount.
  2. don't rub face hard.
  3. don't rinse with cold or hot water.